Don’t let meteorological conditions surprise you!

Get your free trial

TopMeteo provides a forecast website made by meteorologists who all are pilots. It will support you at all stages of your meteorological flight planning: first the flight preparation a few days in advance and second the weather check before take-off.


Voucher Code: SPRING-2020-AIRCRAFT


Stage 1 – We at TopMeteo are running our own chain of weather forecast models to derive the information that matters to plan a flight! A special aggregated chart shows the VFR-conditions for a whole day at a glance. Besides this you can access detailed information about cloud cover, visibility, winds and their evolution, hour by hour. With these charts, their animation and more detailed site forecasts you can identify a nice flying day up to 6 days in advance.

Stage 2 – We know: before take-off, nothing can replace the observation of the actual weather. Two klicks on a map show you all the current METARs alongside your route. A list of the latest 5 met-reports per station gives you a feeling for the trends. With TopMeteo, all this information is in one place.

And TopMeteo also provides access to a large variety of satellite images (night and day, false colour). They are available in special “zoomed” charts to get use of the full resolution of GOES-16. Weather radar is also available from the nexrad network.

Weather briefing and monitoring has a huge impact on flight safety

Four weeks of free testing

Use the voucher code SPRING-2020-AIRCRAFT to start your four week testing period!


Voucher Code: SPRING-2020-AIRCRAFT


* The voucher covers USA with 4 day forecasts. It need to be redeem before the end of April.

Useful links:
-> Redeem your voucher (voucher code: SPRING-2020-AIRCRAFT )
-> Have access to the website
-> See our regular pricelist
-> Find a detailed user guide or a practical example