Don’t let meteorological conditions surprise you!
Get your free trial
TopMeteo provides a forecast website made by meteorologists who all are pilots. It will support you at all three stages of your meteorological flight planning: 1. flight preparation a few days in advance 2. the weather check before take-off and 3. with on board satellite images using the TopMetSat-App.

Stage 1 – We at TopMeteo are running our own chain of weather forecast models to derive the information that matters to plan a flight! A special aggregated chart shows the VFR-conditions for a whole day at a glance. Besides this you can access detailed information about cloud cover, visibility, winds and their evolution, hour by hour. With these charts, their animation and more detailed site forecasts you can identify a nice flying day up to 6 days in advance.

Stage 2 – We know: before take-off, nothing can replace the observation of the actual weather. So TopMeteo also provides access to a large variety of satellite images (night and day, nightly folg, cloud tops), lightning information and some regions with weather radar. Two klicks on a map show you all the current METARs alongside your route. A list of the latest 5 met-reports per station gives you a feeling for the trends. With TopMeteo, all this information is in one place.
Weather briefing and monitoring has a huge impact on flight safety

Stage 3 – Finally, we have all experienced how quickly the weather can evolve enroute. So, we decided to create TopMetSat. This app for iOS and Android allows to load and visualise current satellite and radar images during your flight. We have adapted the patent pending image loading process to deal with the inconsistent mobile networks in altitude. The app ergonomics are suitable to in-flight usage. And it is worth it! For example, if you start to feel uncomfortable with overdevelopment in your area, you can have an overview of the situation with one tap. Make a safer and better decision regarding the execution of your flight.
But we know that the best is to let you test TopMeteo and see by yourself.
Two weeks of free testing
Use the voucher code IAOPA-SUMMER-2020 to start your two week testing period!
* The voucher can be redeemed until 10th July 2020. It covers Europe with 6 day forecasts, access to any region and the usage of the TopMetSat-App.
Do the trial first and get your 50% discount afterwards
As a regular AOPA member you get a discount for any subscription of 50% for the year 2020. But please start with the trial period using the voucher code above. If you fill in your AOPA Member Number first, we can’t grant you the trial period anymore (due to technical limitations). To get your discount you must connect your AOPA membership with TopMeteo. There are two ways to do this!
1. During the payment process
If you regularly buy a subscription you find the linkage to your AOPA Member Number during the payment process. You need your AOPA Member Number and name, like below.

Please fill in your AOPA member number (without the preceeding “ID”) and your full name, including any title and press `CONTINUE` to get the discount.
2. In your profile
If you have registered yet you can connect your AOPA Member Number in your profile as shown below:

With your connection, you will get the discount on any regular purchase of any annual subscription.
You may get your discount after you had the two weeks free trial period.
If you are from Luxemburg, Italy, Portugal or Spain
Please contact your national AOPA to get engaged in the discount process.
Useful links:
-> Redeem your voucher (voucher code: IAOPA-SUMMER-2020)
-> Have access to the website
-> See our regular pricelist (see above for AOPA member discount)
-> Find a detailed user guide or a practical example